English (N/A) Not released yet

 Dreamworks, Paramount Pictures

Running Time:
approx. 93 minutes

 Carter Smith

Ben Stiller, Chris Bender

 Scott Smith

 Jonathan Tucker, Jena Malone, Shawn Ashmore, Laura Ramsey, Joe Anderson

Plot: Four American friends on vacation in Cancun, Mexico, meet a German tourist that persuades them to join his hunt for his younger brother, who was last seen with his girlfriend near some mysterious.

Our Verdict:

Green Tea says:

Psychological horror again. I thought this movie is good by the way, I'm sick of waiting for this to creep in the cinema but it looks like unlikely to occur anyway soon. Back to the movie - produved on a low budget, this flick of action horror gives back much to its studio - just like the movie Mirrors, you will sure love it as much as it is. The story in its initial is very simple and this trend goes throughout the movie. No fancy catchy line, no sophisticated objects to make the title scary, the fact is that a ruin is enough to scare you up. At first you might wonder why the Mayan aborigins became psycho when these people started to visit their infamous pyramid of ruin dugged out recently during the archeoloist excavation. Behold, the ruin is been cursed. Storyline and its theme are very much subjected around on curdse of an object- in this case a pyramid. But it was the complexity via the mind-boggling, haunting and psychological entrapment that matters the most. Forgive that there aren't anyone you probably much recognize but the acting was still awesome. I think this is a simple cursed story about a Mayan pyramid but given the simplexity of mind boggling that we are used to, here's a kudos one.
CAST -3.5 stars
STORYLINE - 3.5 stars
EFFECTS - what effects?
an overall >> 3.5 stars

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