Cowboy Bebop is a popular Japanese anime TV series that was popular back in 1998 when it was first released. The premise, it tells a story of a futuristic bounty hunter that leads a team to bring in the worst offenders following human's success to colonize the solar system. The story sets in 2071, 50 years after the astral gate accident that destroyed half of the moon and killing over 4.5 billion of the world population. It was one of the Top 25 Best Anime ever made. Last year, 20th Century Fox gave a greenlight for the development of the movie. The news is Keanu Reeves is confirmed to take on the lead role of Spike Spiegel while Peter Craig will write the scripts. However, no release dates been confirmed and so do who will be consider for the roles of Jet Black, Ein, Faye Valentine and Edward (a girl). So, will it be another Matrix or another Johnny Mnemonic?
Legal dispute sets to overshadow the prospect of the movie sonce the Christmas Eve. But rejoice and be merry for The Watchmen legal dispute saga has settled and everything is set for March 6. 20th Century Fox challenged the breach of copyright by Warner Bros, while the judge trial the case ruled in favour of Fox at Christmas Eve and pending. Both studios went into negotiation that came to an agreement on January 15. The settlement was believed to involve a large sum of unspecified payment upfront to Fox with further allocation of the film's profits.
"Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox have resolved their dispute regarding the rights to the upcoming motion picture Watchmen in a confidential settlement. Warner Bros acknowledges that Fox acted in good faith in bringing its claims, which were asserted prior to the start of principal photography. Fox acknowledges that Warner Bros. acted in good faith in defending against those claims. Warner Bros. and Fox, like all Watchmen fans, look forward with great anticipation to this film's March 6 release in theatres."
This summer, McG will presents another termination mission into the theatre. Christian Bale will be John Connor in the battle against machines in the apocalyptic world in the near future. Also in the movie, Sam Worthington will play Marcus Wright, a human resistance soldier against the machines. We do hope to see how great McG will bring Terminator Salvation into the theatre this summer. In an recent interview with, McG next project is possibly a prequel to the Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The Disney production is trying to court Will Smith, fresh from his dramatic role on Seven Pounds to play the title character, Captain Nemo. Well, everyone knows that whatever Will Smith in, the movie will turn into a box office gold.
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Keanu Reeves as Spike?!
ReplyDeleteGod, I hate 20th Century Fox. They just take everything good and ruin them. Just look at dragonball!