In giving more exciting news but due to the lack of time for the author to simply write it in one post per news, Green Tea Movie will introduced News In Brief segment. It is still about news update but it will be appeared in a much simpler form. In case consider this as an effort to condense more news available out there (which may be 10 or so in a day) into much condensed environment for me to tell you.

So, to kick start it all, News In Brief will focus on news that are considered by Green TeaMovie as "secondary" news. Of course, you may not find James Cameron or Brad Pitt news in here (haha, less likely).

Enough of introduction, let's see on the other news in brief of this edition:

Rashida Jones is the latest to sign on to David Fincher's chronicle of the founders of Facebook, The Social Network. Jones will appear in an unnammed role along side Justin Timberlake, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield.

Donna Murphy joins in the cast of Rapunzel, which she will be playing as the girl's wicked captor.

DreamWorks has announced an action-comedy project entitled Wife vs Ninja.

Cameron Diaz will be taking a lead role in upcoming Sony's comedy Bad Teacher.

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