Do note that Ken Scott’s “Delivery Man” is a remake of his own 2011’s French-Canadian film “Starbuck”. Both movies talk about this hapless driver known as David Wozniak who works for his family butcher shop. During his younger year, he donated his sperms to a fertility clinic and only to find out two decades later that he fathers 533 children through artificial insemination.

Of course, to protect his anonymity, Wozniak simply used an alias –Starbuck when making those donations. He is now facing a lawsuit action from 142 children who demand his identity as Starbuck to be revealed by the fertility clinic, of which is protected by a confidential agreement he had. To add more heaps into the circumstances, his girlfriend is pregnant and the financial haunts are catching him real quick. Given a list of profile of all the children involved in the lawsuit, Wozniak decides to stalk them and tries to help in those random moments.

While I did enjoy watching the original “Starbuck” movie, this “Hollywood” version is surprisingly decent to watch despite having some inconsistency in its plot and being a complete “copy-and-paste” rip-off. But perhaps, director Ken Scott is playing it too safe by sticking it up with the same plot, frame-by-frame that offers very little in distinguishing it from the original. If you have not seen the original, this could end up as a movie with abundant delights and touching moments; plus some surprising twists too.

But in any case, “Delivery Man” is simply another formulaic romantic or family comedy covered over with potent substances and morality lessons. The outcome of the story is predictable-yet-sleazy. There is also slight wrinkle on the second act which I find it to be a little dragging. The inconsistency in the plot is only extravagated by some plot-holes and lack of good emotional arcs .

Nevertheless, the decency to bring both comedic and dramatic elements into this picture is also one of the reasons why this movie is so much more than being just another coat of sweet, gleeful and charming movie. There are moments of genuine heartfelt and somewhat-effective doses of laughter attempts which may or may not work at all.

This movie is nothing like any other Vince Vaughn’s comedies which were marked by his absurdity, nonsensical behaviour and fast-talker. His performance as David Wozniak in “Delivery Man” is one of the best in memory, revealing a different side of him – been adorable, softer but with satirical clueless about how to run a good life. His comedic partner and friend, Brett is played by Chris Pratt who offers equal and matching laughing materials for the subtlety.

“Delivery Man” is surprisingly a decent “remake” that fills with potent messages, heartfelt moments and likable characters despite been a flawed, formulaic rip-off and having inconsistencies all over its tone and plot.

"Delivery Man" stars Vince Vaughn ("Wedding Crashers"), Chris Pratt ("Moneyball"), Cobie Smulders ("Marvel's The Avengers") and Britt Robertson, presented by Walt Disney Pictures and Touchstone Pictures, and directed by Ken Scott ("Starbuck") from his screenplay with Martin Petit. The movie is rated P13 and is released in Malaysia since January 1, 2014. The movie runs about 103 minutes.

Story: 3.0
Casts: 4.0
Cinematography: 3.5
Effects: 3.5
GREEN-TEA-O-METER: 13.6/20.0
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