[UPDATED: 11 June 2014]: Green Tea Movie!! - an amateur movie blog that publishes movie reviews and updates from the perspective of the founder, writer and editor; that’s me. Through this blog, I am able to share my views about a movie to go along with committed and noteworthy arguments, opinions and critiques.

Green Tea Movie!! has been online since March 2008 to reflect my enthusiasm in movies and a manifestation of my “movie-buffness”. Reviews are written to account and to coin with balanced judgement of pros and cons, insight technical review and episodic translation of entertainment.


Movie reviews are the main focus of GREEN TEA MOVIE!! during its inception. With tonnes of movie reviews written, we realized the need to have a proper system in giving reviews and ratings. The current format was first introduced in January 2009 and till today, the rating style has been retained and barely changed. Rating and reviewing a movie is more than just retelling the summary or plot synopsis, but it also involves the process of judging them through the entertainment value and plot qualities. Here, we also look at the technical aspect in various other departments like the story, casts and cinematography.

STORYScreenplay, plot, themes, pace and entertainment value55%
CASTSCharacterization and character development35%
CINEMATOGRAPHYCamera work, uniqueness, musical scores and other technical aspects5%
EFFECTSSpecial visual effect, 3D usage and sound effect5%

Each of the aspect will be given star rating from 0.5 to 5.0 stars at most. The average will be given based on total of the stars given based. Perhaps, the most crucial point system is the GREEN-TEA-O-METER. Green-Tea-O-Meter which we have put into use since 2008, helps us to calculate the final score with using  a complex yet understandable mathematical equation as such:

GREEN-TEA-O-METER = (story*0.55+casts*0.35+cinematography*0.05+effects*0.05)*4


I understand the hardship of maintaining this blog while juggling other stuffs in my life. Since I am also a full-time student who enrols in the biochemical engineering degree in a local university and loves to watch movie. While also have to split an equal time for both study and hobby, this site has evolved from more than just a hobby. As they always said, no pain no gain.

Although there is not much to be proud for, GREEN TEA MOVIE has recently (and finally) achieved Google Page Rank 2. Blogger also noted that up till today, GREEN TEA MOVIE has received more than 700,000 page views since July 2007 with Malaysian traffic only accounted for merely 5% of the total. What ever the future holds, GREEN TEA MOVIE will remain who it is in providing a honest review.

Some of the most viewed post in the history (with view above 10,000) include:

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