Frank Beddor has been on our radar recently when he talked to LA Times about the possible project concerning Ridley Scott's version of Monopoly that Beddor is writing. You can read it here.

Now Beddor revealed another shocking news (or maybe not). He mentioned in Good Morning America (as reported on Coming Soon) that Chuck Roven, the producer of The Dark Knight are working on an adaptation of Beddor's novel series The Looking Glass War. - Slash Film

"I am working with the producer of ‘The Dark Knight’ Chuck Roven, so we’re putting it together, and it’s pretty exciting to think about it as a movie. It’s a really visual world so we’ll see."

Oh wait, is this a book that sounds much or even talked about some Alice and Wonderlands again? If you remember, Beddor wanted to turn the Monopoly movie in a manner almost like the one film he wrote which will come out this spring - Alice And The Wonderland.

Slash Film also linked this movie and the book adaptation on here, while you can also read the book's synopsis here.

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