If the title above true, means that we may see Bruce Campbell yet again insulting Peter Parker? According to the interview on MTV, Sam Raimi has somehow confirm that his longtime cohort Bruce Campbell's claims that he will have a bigger role than previously in Spider-Man 4.

In case you don't know Bruce Campbell and how significant he was on each and every Spider-Man movies, just imagine at how Stan Lee (the Marvel master) get to appear briefly in each and every of them as well.

To refresh your memory and knowledges, you may have seen Bruce Campbell as:
  • Spider-Man: the wrestling promoter who insults Peter Parker during his attempt to win cash from an underground wrestling tournament.
  • Spider-Man 2: the theatre usher who insults Peter Parker outside the theatre after he was late for a stage play by Mary Jane Watson.
  • Spider-Man 3: the "rench" waiter who insults Peter Parker at the French restaurant which supposedly he and MJ would have dinner together.

If you now remembered good. But if you don't, no worry. Just guess how big Campbell's role and insults on Spider-Man 4 which will be due out in May 2011.

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