They look cute on these posters but guess what? You can actually watch them in 3D next year. June 18 in case you want to know. On the recent week, Green Tea Movie has featured the first official trailer for Andy's huge collection of toys - that can talk actually!!

Since Buzz Lightyear and Woody and the rest of the gangs are coming back, Disney and Pixar are kind enough to produce these "cute-pixie" character posters for you.

Plot-wise, Toy Story 3 will deals with Andy who is now a young adult, departing for college, and his toys, including Woody and Buzz Lightyear are being sent to storage. Before the rest of the toys can be put in the attic, they are accidentally thrown away and are picked up by the garbage men. The toys find themselves at a local day-care center, where they must try to survive the pre-school children. Woody attempts to save his friends and find themselves a new home, but matters are further complicated when Buzz is damaged during an escape attempt, causing him to revert to a Spanish version of his original delusions of being a genuine space ranger.

Here's to enjoy!!

By the way, if you have not notice, the trailer as here again:


  1. My fav was REX! Woody to annoying and Buzz to uptight. ^_^

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